Legal Malpractice

The informational articles in this section are in regards to lawyer negligence and lawsuit misconduct.

  • How to sue your lawyer
    When you hire a lawyer to represent you, you trust that they will always responsibly represent you. If you believe that your lawyer mishandled your case due to negligence or behaved in an unethical or illegal manner, you may file a claim for legal malpractice.
  • 4 stereotypes about attorneys
    Most attorneys are hardworking, ethical and professional individuals who act honorably when representing their clients. But, there are some bad attorneys practicing law that just reinforce the negative stereotypes about attorneys.
  • How to fire your attorney
    Hiring an attorney to handle a legal problem is a personal decision. So is firing your attorney. If you have decided to terminate your relationship, you need to know the proper steps to take to do so.
  • Signs that you may have hired a bad attorney
    If you’ve hired an attorney to represent you in a lawsuit, and you’re not happy with the outcome, can you sue for legal malpractice? It depends on whether or not your attorney violated the rules of professional conduct according to California law.
  • Reasons to sue your (former) attorney for legal malpractice
    Most attorneys represent their clients in a professional and ethical manner. However, there are some attorneys that fail in representing their clients, the results of which can have significant consequences regarding the outcome of the case.
  • How to sue an attorney for malpractice
    What happens when an attorney that you’ve put your trust in to on a legal case, fails or makes the original situation even worse?
  • Signs of a bad attorney
    While experience and a high success rate are qualities that you want your attorney to have, there are other important factors to consider when choosing the right attorney…
  • Common examples of legal malpractice
    If an attorney manages a case inappropriately due to negligence or with the purpose of harming and causing damage to his or her client, the result is legal malpractice.

Disclaimer: The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established.