Hit by a drunk driver in San Diego, CA

California law, specifically California Vehicle Code 23152, makes it illegal to operate a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol level of 0.08% or higher. Unfortunately, driving under the influence of alcohol is still a significant problem in the state. If you are hit by a drunk driver, it can have tragic effects on your life as well as the lives of any passengers in your car at the time of the accident. 

Drunk driving can lead to several types of accidents. If the intoxicated driver fails to stop at a red light or stop sign or fails to yield the right of way, you could be T-boned or involved in a head-on collision. And many drunk driving accidents are rear-end collisions. 

These kinds of crashes result in serious, if not catastrophic injuries, leaving you with major financial losses from medical bills, bills from your hospital stay, and for any treatment or rehabilitation needed afterwards as well as loss of income.

If you have been hit by a drunk driver in San Diego, you may be eligible to file a personal injury claim against the party at fault to recover compensation for your losses.

Listen to your doctors first

If ever in a car accident, call 911 ASAP so the police are able to respond to the scene of the crash. The evidence they collect and the police reports they file are critical to your case. If you are able, provide the police with as much information as possible. 

However, your primary concern is to get immediate medical attention and the best care possible if you sustain any injuries, even if they don’t appear to be serious or life-threatening. Even minor injuries, such as lacerations, should be treated and documented.

Unfortunately, drunk driving accidents often result in severe injuries due to the high speed at which the cars are traveling as well as the lack of safety measures taken by the impaired driver.

Some of the more serious injuries include:

  • Broken bones 
  • Back and spine injuries
  • Head injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Internal organ damage/internal bleeding

If you are hit by a drunk driver and suffer from any of the aforementioned injuries, it can result in permanent damage to your health and well-being. You may end up having to depend on nursing care and/or assistive devices. 

And then listen to your attorney

If you or someone you love has been hit by a drunk driver and has sustained injuries as a result, speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer ASAP. The types of injuries that result from drunk driving accidents can result in astronomical bills. And there’s no guarantee that you will fully recover and return to work.

Scott S. Harris, attorney in San Diego, establishes the scope and nature of his client’s injuries and demands nothing less than a fair award or settlement.